Friday, August 21, 2009


With school appraching, i'm not sure how often i will be blogging, as scarce as my blogs already are lol.

Just some updates and opinions.

I move in to the new apartment/house/dwelling/thing on August 29th. I'm kind of looking forward to it, but there are things that I'm not looking forward to. It will be an amusing life to live, and definitely a lot of laughter and whatnot, but I also have to remember that I am moving in with two very dynamic personalities. I think I'm a character myself. So imagine two more characters. But i'll live. lol

I'm taking a Chemistry class, a 300 level Biology class, and a Math class (even though i'm finished my math requirements). Then I have a class for my minor, Introduction to World Politics. I've decided I'll take the Gen. Ed courses at my own pace and discretion, because they're much easier, so I can take those one by one, and also online or over the summer. So needless to say, I'll have a lot of work to do this semester, and it only gets worse from here. But I'm okay with that. I need to try my hardest to not get any C's this semester, because last semester i screwed up and got one in Statistics :-/ . i'm just glad I passed at least.

Sooo yes. Hmm. I think I'm done for now.