Monday, March 30, 2009


Currently, i'm trying to get all my assignments done and turned in on time. I won't lie, it's starting  to get to me. Sometimes i wonder how people are fucking around partying and sleeping all day and night, but still manage to get decent grades. i guess it depends on your major and how dedicated you are. I am a pretty dedicated person when it comes to my grades. I have a phobia of failing. I may not show it, but I am really terrified of failing. Not like I haven't failed things before, but it just really bothers me when my assignments aren't top notch. 

And since my major is biology, I have to do a lot more than people in some of the other programs. I am also a chemistry minor, and it annoys me that I never have a day that I don't have any homework to do. That's really not a problem. I just get tired of staying up until 4am or later studying for some big exam or writing papers or doing math homework. Its hard to do other priorities. I have to find a job or internship in case the one I applied for doesn't work out. i need to save some more money in my account also. I have to worry about a lot of crap. Scholarship applications, too.

I don't like to complain about stuff, but quite frankly, I am stressed. I'm a Pre-Med student, so my grades have to be FLAWLESS. I can't fail anything, and i can barely afford any C's. Its a lot of pressure, but i suppose in the end it will all be worth it.

I just finished some English Homework, and I am about to finish up some math 3:30 in the morning. I just can't wait until the weekend when I can catch up on sleep. But pray for me, I'll definitely need it. =]

And also, I dissected an earthworm today. It was kinda cool, I can't wait to get to the pig fetuses. =]

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Africa, the Beautiful....

I know people are tired of hearing this from me. I hate African stereotypes. I don't really get attacked by the stereotypes as often as others because...well, let's just say my family's a little well off. I still hear the stereotypes, though. I hate them. I laugh them off sometimes, or if its just a joke, I'm okay with that, but I really do hate it when people who know nothing about Africa say bad things about. The africans are talking about you Americans, too.

So to clear things up a little bit, I'm going to show some patriotism and some support for the beautiful continent. 

Africa is not a country, it is a continent made up of 53 countries. Some of the prettiest beaches are in Africa. Africa is home to some of the most prosperous nations.

Here are some pictures i found in a Facebook Group called : The Africa They Never Show You.

heres the URL to it:)

And it doesn't stop there. Check out the link I posted to see more of what I'm talking about. Yes, there are some impoverished parts of Africa, and others simply choose to live in the villages. Everybody in Africa does not look they way they are depicted in the media.

With that said, enjoy those pictures, hopefully I made a valid point.

Religion, or Not.

As far as religion is concerned, many people don't know where I stand, or what I believe because I usually brush off the topic, and I never talk about it.

I'm not a very religious person. I grew up in a Nigerian Christian family. We didn't go to church that much, but a majority of my childhood I do remember being at church. I never really cared what I was going to church for, I just wanted to see my friends there. And I got to dress up real nice. I had no interest in what was going on in Sunday School. I think the only reason I paid attention was so that when Aunty Esther (the SS teacher) called on me, I could answer the question and not get slapped. In my family's culture, you are allowed to be slapped when you deserve it. No matter who the person is. Aunt, Uncle, parent's friend, etc. That woman was tough, and her pinches and hits HURT.  
Anywho, like most children, I didn't really understand the purpose of religion, I just went along with it. I did believe in Jesus and all the stories that I read in the Bible. It was just a part of life to me. Then, we moved, and church was too far to travel to anymore. we stopped going for years. I still believed in God and such, but I was never passionate about Him. My godmother enrolled me into a program called AWANA (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed). We had to recite verses from out handbooks and get signatures on them. when we got to a certain point, we would advance to a new level. It was kind of like Boy/Girl Scouts. We had uniforms with ranks on them and everything. I completed a pretty good rank. I was very interested in the AWANA Olympics, I got a medal every year i went. It was a series of races and obstacle courses. It was a lot of fun.
I turned 13, and had to go join JV (Junior Varsity). They don't do any of the fun stuff that the kids did. we sat in a room and listened to someone drone on and on in the front of the room. I thought, "Fuck this" and stopped going. I did still have some faith in God. it wasn't until my 10th grade year that i started questioning God's validity. I became interested in knowing about other religions. I didn't really understand how so many religions can co-exist. So I started thinking, "Well, one of them must be the right one. but which one?" I'd never convert to any other religion. I started to think...maybe there isn't really such thing as a higher God. I thought it was all a system that was designed to create morals and ethics for mankind. I became Agnostic, constantly questioning things about religion and what really happens when a person dies. I had less faith in myself, and started to not care about anything at all. In my 11th grade year, my aunt started taking me to Jesus House Baltimore with her. I really did not want to go. I hated waking up in the morning knowing that I was about to sit in a church for 3 hours or more. But something was different. Even though I was probably thinking everything that the Pastor was saying was staged and hogwash, he  was very interesting to listen to. He had a sense of humor, and seemed to have a way with words. I didn't mind listening to his sermons. It was also a very nice church. The members were very involved. i also noticed the non-secular nature of the church. People of any Christian denomination can attend the church. The church had flags of many different countries on its walls. It was a predominantly Nigerian church, like I was used to, but people of other ethnicities and nationalities also came to join them. It was so cool how that church was so dynamic in attracting members. I started to lighten up.  Then, I no longer had time to go, which was okay, because that church made me realize how a common interest  can bring so many people together. There are people that are married to people they met  at that church. Babies get christened there. And the way my Nigerians rejoice is just so amazing. 
So months later, after I graduated from high school, my mom came across the pastor of the church I attended when I was younger. He had left the Parish that he used to preach for, and was now starting a new church. We went there one sunday. That church was a single room with about 5 members, not including my mother, brothers and I. They forced me to start coming to choir practice. I HATED IT. I know that they could tell that I didn't want to be there. I didn't want to sing for them. the only time that i ever sing is when I'm playing my piano. I stayed with them for one sunday. I couldn't wait to get home. I told my mother that I didn't want to go anymore. She understood, because they were very persistent people. If you didn't come to church one day, THEY WILL CALL YOU. So it came to the time that I was preparing to leave for college. They came to my going away party. That was the last time I ever saw them. i was so glad that i didn't have to go there anymore. Nothing against them, it just isn't my thing.

So I guess I can say I've come to terms with myself. I don't classify myself as being under any denomination of Christianity. i'm not devoutly religious. I still do believe in God. I'm just not the same as everyone else.

So this is my message. Follow what  YOU believe in, you'll have a lot more fun in life. 

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Lately, Of All Sorts.

So I haven't really been blogging...I'm not really sure if it's because I've benn busy, or I'm just bein lazy, but the important thing is: I'm writing something now.

So lately...
It's the middle of my 2nd semester in college, and it has been very interesting to say the least. I'm doing a lot more than I was doing last semester, and my grades are pretty good. I think college gets more fun when you join an organization. It gives you something to do. I'm part of the Pre Professional Medical Society here at Frostburg, and I must say that my time is well spent because of it. So I advise people that are having a miserable time in college to just join something that interests you, you'll have a lot more fun that way

Since I have gotten to college, I think I have become a little more pragmatic and hard-working. I've always been the type to work hard (somewhat) in academics, but I find it a little easier to focus now. I am still the silly, sarcastic person that people know me to be. I've just become a little more...say...mature? I'm not really sure if that's the case, but anyway, I feel rather enlightened in some aspects of life.

I'm still kind of finding myself and my purpose on Earth. I like music a lot, but I don't think its something I can see myself doing long term. I know almost everything there is to know about music, however I get kinda biased on my genres...nonetheless, I love music. I plan to do a little bit of it in my spare time because I don't want to lose my musical abilities. I'm thinking of recording digital instrumentals. I already have a music page (that I made in 2006) and hopefully I can  put it to good use sometime this summer. I really don't have much time for it now.

As far as my friends are concerned, things really haven't changed; I'm still close to some of them. Others I don't talk to very often because of conflicting schedules, or  just laziness. There are certain people that I don't even bother calling at all anymore, because its just wasting my time and cell phone battery. But I won't get into that. 

I'm not as active as I was in high school, and it kind of pisses me off because I am so lazy now. All I want to do is sit around, and I hate that about myself. I have gained some weight, which really doesn't bother me...but its just the fact that I am so darn lazy and inactive. Maybe I should do something about it before it really starts affecting me.

Well, that's really all I have to say for right now, and I'll try to get some more things up here in the near future. 
