Friday, November 7, 2008

elusive. inspired by inquistive beings....*

not really sure what exact my purpose is.

I have a really really split personality. i can't help it. I am, perhaps, insane. There are so many different sides of me, its ridiculous. There's the Tosin that doesn't want to be bothered. Then theres the one that is loud, obnoxious, and entertaining. i also have a philosophical and pugnacious side to me. Then theres the side that zones out, and doesn't pay attention to anything or anyone else. Theres the funny me. The rude me. The pissed off me. [thats when you hear the northern accent]. And then there's the last one...the shy, quiet, and harmless Tosin. I am a strange specimen. I have very violent and/or disturbing thoughts. Unlike the average teenage mind, my brain is mainly occupied with the surreal and the unbelievable. Weirdly, I don't spend too much time thinking about the opposite gender unless something reminds me. I don't really find obsessing over guys interesting. I don't chase people. I've been told that I show a keen uninterest for romanticness. Its true, not completely true, though. I'm only human. But I just never seem to be even remotely interested in anything I come across, so I don't even bother. However, I'm not naive to life experience, I have had my shares. But unlike the average girl my age, I find it unnecessary to share them with the rest of the world. There are many things that people don't know, and never will know about me.
and I'm completely fine with that. 
Another factor to my lack of interest is the fact that I seem to only attract idiots.
Its very very irritating. I attract the stalkerish, cool-at-first-but-really-fucking-annyoing-in-the-end kind of people. People that I'm interested in don't seem to exist yet. Considering most of the people that I have even "talked" to live in my old city, which I still visit very often, i just don't care. And the one person who wasn't a resident of the NY metro area, was like one of the most clingy and obsessive people i have ever encountered in my life. i'd rather not think about it...I throw up a little when I think about it.

My point is..Its just not for me, at least not at this point in my life. I'm way too focused on my studies to even care for the opposite gender past the friendship level. There are people who i think should just stop it...and give up. I don't see you any different than I see everyone else. Even though, again, I'm only human..there are people who seem a little more appealing than others for whatever reason, but for the most part, i don't specialize. i favor some over others. But i don't like when people get the wrong impression. 
I have a certain friend who jumps to conclusions. Every guy that I utter even the slightest word to...must be my interest of some sort. Just becuase she fucks everybody she meets doesn't mean everyone else does. I can't fucking studying with a male without having something for him? So I just don't answer certain people's phone calls when I'm not in my room. Unless its one of two people. Its annoying. 

Maybe this is a clearer clarification [redundant, yes?] of my viewpoints on romantics and significant settings.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

FSU Sightings Vol. 1

College is an experience that only the fortunate ones get to experience. It gives people an opportunity increase their knowledge in order to have a potentially lucrative career in the future. In college, you learn new things, experience new...uh...experiences and meet new people. Sometimes college gets boring too. Like, me, for instance, I get bored very easily. But I supress it. I supress it by taking note of the things I see in this place. I have seen some horrible looking things, and fashions, and just...things. Its crazy. You can tell, I must be bored to even take the time to pay so much attention. Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you, Frostburg State University. [pictures taken with my Palm® Treo 755p; and Morgan's Sidekick LX]

**This is really only for my/others personal amusement. If for some strange reason you found yourself on here somehow...oops. I just advise that you don't repeat the crime. Getting angry only inspires me to make you look more like a fool.**

Ok, here we go...


I spotted these loafers on the shuttle bus. They were much uglier in person. I just don't understand why they would even sell these things in the stores. Its kinda sad.

ugly shirt

I took this picture because her entire appearance was very scary. I didn't get a really good picture because I had to do it without looking entirely suspicious. Her teeth kind of frightened me but much to my amusement, she tripped really hard down the stairs right after I took the pic. Nice.


Why? Is this cute? I don't care if they're PJs or not.

leggings girl

This tramp has the audacity to look like this every day. Actually she looks very tame in the picture compared to other days.


Wow. What the fuck.


This is another multiple offender. Every day in fact. (we're looking at the skirt by the way...)
I don't get it.

wtf chesapeake

Umm....excuse me? What is this? Dandy, my friend.

bus stop girl

Try not to throw up. That is one of the ugliest dresses I've ever seen. Lets look again.
bus stop girl 2

Why is she standing like that?

barkleys 2

Somebody needs to buy this guy some new shoes. His Barkleys are crying for help. They were very dirty, and in horrible condition. They didn't even touch the ground in the front; they were all turned up. Again...

Poor child.

green shorts

Excuse me sir. What the fuck is this that you have on here? Is this for real? I don't see why anyone would have shorts that color anyway. And check out the socks.

flame shirt

You know, he might have been a little under 45 years old. With a flame shirt and boots on. Very cool.


Look. This is the campus bookstore. And there is a pack of fake hair. Why would anyone buy fake hair from there? It was very low quality also.


Oh lord. I just don't understand.


A condom was strung over the rail with something in it....
Very classy.




Where was she going? Dressed like that?

---The things we see are not limited to the things I have posted here, but its just the gist of it. The last few pictures are courtesy of morgan, partner in crime....[]

Okay...other times...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

obstacle course.

Life is a huge obstacle course. When a person is born, they are a person clear of any guilts, innocent in their entirety. Its like when an athlete is about to start an obstacle course, and they have a clean slate and haven't messed up. As you grow into a toddler, you're still full of energy. The race still feels good. Your lungs breathe the clear air and you're smooth saling. Then as you grow into a child, things don't always go your way, but you're fine in the long run. Its like hitting the first obstacle. Its not too least until you're a teenager. The obstacles start getting more and more difficult to overcome. You get cut up and bruised in the the process. You're in extreme stress and pain. But then, as you get used to these harder obstacles and it becomes more and more consistant. You get relieved every one in a while...when you get water breaks...or life's rewards. Also sometimes you fall in the dirt...or life's pitfalls. But you keep running continously. Your body is telling you to give up...but your brain continues to look straight ahead. Nobody wants the race to end, but we still all hope to win. Then, finally...the time comes slower...the finish line looks much closer than it did before. As you remember all the obstacles in the obstacles in the obstacle cross the finish line, and if you're Christian, when you cross your finish line...we all hope for the reward...the medal...the admission ticket to heaven.


Paradise, a place where joy resides
where theres no stress,no mess
nothing but spiritful minds
Where nothing is promised but happiness
And every hard-working person is entitled to a good rest
No stress no mess
Worry-free the world would be
Without cares the world would see
The precious bliss and whats left of humanity
And when you put two concepts to the test
the one with the biggest heart will do the best
hence,  no stress, no mess.
I'd live without a care in the world
i'd be blazen with diamonds and pearls
Jewels and rings
Money won't be a thing
Surrounded by love and glory
'Happily ever after' would conclude this story
There'd be no devastation, no poverty, no prejudice
No murder no war
"Quoth the Raven, 'Nevermore'"
The sky is the limit, the limit we would reach
And the hypocrites would practice what they preach
Kids wouldn't have to ask,"Why, Mama?"
Because there wouldn't be any drama.
Still dreamin
I'd notice how beautiful everything is seeming
How bright the sun is gleaming
And how wonderful life is
And how taken for granted time is
Until now, this never made sense to me
I know now, you are your worst enemy

Yeah, It would be nice...
Too bad it only happens in Paradise.