just writing...haven't written anything in a long time. been looking at the views on this blog, and they always increase when i write, but decline rapidly the longer i go without writing soemthing, so i'm going to hopefully write more often to keep the numbers up.
i need topics. so just...um, give me topics. thanks....=]
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
green warning labels
Posted by LustfulRepertoire at 1:33 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 13, 2009
What to Look For (Or Avoid) in An Off Campus Apartment
Hey everyone,
It's currently finals week, so I don't want to waste too much time here, but I did makes some videos over the weekend. This set is called "What to Look For (Or Avoid) in an Off Campus Apartment." I hope you guys like it, please check it out...it's on youtube so check it out, leave comments and SUBSCRIBE!
Best wishes
Posted by LustfulRepertoire at 12:38 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
highly anticipated albums of the year, and what i think.

Monday, October 19, 2009
let's switch things up a bit.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
to nobody.
Things are easier said than done
Posted by LustfulRepertoire at 11:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 7, 2009
music, when we meet again...
i think most people who appreciate music can agree with me when i say music has deteriorated as a whole. like everybody who was somebody back in the day has either taken a huge hiatus, retired, or died :( but its crazy the direction that music has headed. it's depressing. I can't even religiously listen to mainstream music or music that comes out nowadays for the most part. most of it is GARBAGE. like I'm waiting for Lauryn hill to get it together and come out with something. even if its just an album with like 5 songs on it, that's fine lol. Lauryn hill has disappointed me with her antics, but I'll never forget that she is a freaking musical genius. how many artists do you know that can do everything that she did; excelling in singing and rapping? and don' tell me that you didn't love sister act II.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Been in school for like a week now, and things are going pretty well so far. I'm looking forward to the challenges that may be presented before me. It was a good first week, So far I like my classes, and I love my housemates; even when they're being assholes. heheh. The apartment is really nice, and I'm liking the way that everything is set up so far.
Posted by LustfulRepertoire at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 21, 2009
With school appraching, i'm not sure how often i will be blogging, as scarce as my blogs already are lol.
Posted by LustfulRepertoire at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
You know, this is a f**ked up place.
You know, I just realized some things. Well, I didn't just realize them, but they kinda slapped me in the face...Why the heck is college so expensive? I understand that it's not mandatory, and they need funds to keep the school up and running...materials, scholarships and all that, but it's just really sad. It's unbelievable now many people can't go to college, or had to drop out, or had to leave a 4 year university to go to a community college because of money. It's not fair. I'm grateful that I don't have to go through that, but I just think that it's really fucked up how people can't pay for school. Everyone should be entitled to higher education if they really want it.
Friday, August 7, 2009
School is approaching...
Haven't written in a while. Uhh...i don't have much to say, but I've been thinking about school and all that. I really need to make sure that this school year is flawless. The more credits you already have, the harder it is to bring up the GPA. Frostburg is cool and all, but I don't know if I want to ( or should) graduate from there. Frostburg is way cheaper than UMBC and College Park, but I'm sure that the quality of learning might be a little better. I mean, FSU isn't that bad, it is in the same university system as UMD and UMBC. (But then again, so is UMES and Bowie :-/) but I really don't know, and quite frankly I just feel lost in a sense.
Posted by LustfulRepertoire at 2:41 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
just to write something
Nothing has really been going on lately.
Posted by LustfulRepertoire at 11:35 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
don't judge me.
Posted by LustfulRepertoire at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 26, 2009
a fallen star continues to shine.
Again, I am writing a blog, apparently something that I don't really do as often. I'm writing it from my phone, because for some reasons and more, my internet in my house is not turned back on yet. Well, actually I figured out how to tether my G1's 3G connection to my computer. But its not really stable.
It has been an interesting, yet, boring summer so far. I've been to DC a couple times, hung out in PG a little bit and definitely hung out with my godsisters and brothers and cousins and all that. I still have not seen my friends, as what said in the last blog I wrote. I'm probably going to see them soon.
But I don't want to forget why I remembered that I had a blogspot haha. Yesterday, we lost one of the biggest and by far the awesomest and most talented performer in history. Michael Jackson was a part of all of our lives, especially those of us who are heavily influenced by music like myself. I know everyone has been saying this but I really did grow up with Michael coming out of the speakers. My parents have always been Michael fans, owning many, if not all of his videos. I used to watch these videos with my brother sometimes. My parents are the main reason that I even know Michael Jackson songs. Whenever there is a party in my house, MJ will be in rotation somewhere. My mom cried when she heard he died. My dad looked hurt too. But my little brothers, they looked soo disappointed because they love listening to MJ. They watch the HisTory DVD at least one or twice a week. They were excited when they saw one of his performances on TV. We all were watch CNN in hopes that he was just sick and he would get better. I can't say that I'm a huge, diehard MJ fan, but I definitely can call myself a fan who really appreciated and understood what his music is all about. I don't remember a tme where I didn't know who michael jackson was. He was just always there. He's a part of my household. And now everyone who spoke trash about him has turned the tables. All the publicists who once laughed and jeered at him are now calling him the best thing that ever happened to them. Michael Jackson made me see what perfection in music was. Music has been a part of me since day one; my instruments are my best friends, and MJ showed flawlessness. He makes you want to do music the right way, spend hours practicing even when you're tired, don't half ass it, play the beat the way it is written. Incorporate individuality in your music and art. He never missed a beat or a note. No autotune. No lip sync. No stunts. Pure talent.
I want to send out my love and gratitude to the Jackson family, those who knew Michael the best. I send great condolences to his parents, because NO ONE should EVER have to bury their child. I send prayers that his children will be okay, and that Joe and Katherine never have to bury another one of their kids, and that all of Michael's siblings will have the same.
Rest in Peace, Michael Joseph Jackson. (August 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009)
Posted by LustfulRepertoire at 11:35 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
fed the fuck up.
i have not written a blog in a while for several reasons. those reasons include the fact that i havent had constant internet access lately. another reason...i havent really had much to talk about...well i suppose nothing i want to share with the world haha. its nothing, really. i can write blogs on my g1, but its sooo much easier to just write blogs on the computer. But today, I just felt like writing.
I have been back from frostburg for 6 days shy of a month. Surprisingly so, I have done a lot, but for a reason inexplainable, I have not been to randallstown, gwynn oak, or bel air while I've been back. And I can't say that its not y fault, however I can't say I'm not completely responsible for it either. The 3 towns I just named happen to be the residences of my closest friends. I don't know it its just because I moved. I don't know if its because I don't care. Because I can't help my nonchalantness...trust me, I'm working on it. But what really fucking ticks me off is that some people expect me to get up at the drop of a dime and go visit them when they seem to make absolutely no effort to come see me. I moved, damn it. Only one of my best friends has actually come to see me at my new house. And that was brittany (elite). That says a lot. Jessica had the fucking nerve to tell me that I need to come down to bel air and chill at kiersten's house. For what? You don't talk to me. I hear from kiersten more than I hear from her, and wouldn't have a problem going there. But this is jessica, my alleged best friend since elementary school, one my first friends I made after moving to baltimore county. She wouldn't even know kiersten if it wasn't for me. We all went to the same middle school, kiersten didn't know jessica went to deer park until we were in high school. They had absolutely no connection.
But me being the nice bitch that I am, let my friends mix in together and now I have created a whole new collaboration.7 so I think jessica went to Bel Air. Bel Air is in Harford county, mind you. I still live in baltimore county, and I still live closer to randallstown than kiersten does. But it seems to be more convenient to travel there than to visit me in the same county. Its cool. Honestly I can say that I don't care, but I'm just pissed off that jessica had the fucking nerve to tell me where I need to be. So when people come bback to their sense and realize the lack of sense they are showing, I'll be here. Not to mention, I did come to bel air over my winter break. Spent the night too.
I still talk to brittany on a regular basis, if not on the hpone, we definitely text. She hasn't changed much. I haven't seen her either but we still talk and laugh and joke like always. And I have texted kiersten occasionally. But jessica...no. if I didn't know any better I would assumed she died or ran away to Peru. And I'm okay with that. There are some friends that you really don't need to talk to every day. But it seems like Albert is the only one of close friends that talk to like every day. Not because I make a bigger effort to him than I do everyone else, he seems to make the bigger effort THAN everyone else...maybe its because I have never gotten completely along with girls, strange as it may seem. I think girls are too sensitive and dramatic and have too many issues for me to keep up with. I just don't like girls except the ones that take the time to see past my ill tendencies. I grew up with males. I have 3 brothers, no sisters. Male cousins mostly. I was friends with their friends. The female cousins I do have are just like me. So when it comes to friends, I relate better to males because I am hardly emotional, girly or needy. And that is what I'm told that makes me stand out from other girls. But like I said, my friends (most of them) are the exceptions. They're weird like me. And with the exception of brittany, we all grew up with boys. But we just don't seem to have the same interests. I'm not really interested in anything, I like to take whatever comes at me. They like to party and talk about boys and shit. Not that its a problem but iget sick of it. I'm not pressed at all. 9 times out of 10 if I like someone, I won't say it because its not that important to me. And I'm also sick of jessica and kiersten bringing up my past all the fucking time. Its nothing bad, trust me, but a while back, they claimed that I kept secrets and shit from them about a guy I talked to in fucking middle school. Petty. I'm a private person, I can't help it. And middle school, as far as romantics are concerned, is irrelevant. It is. Who the fuck care about anything before high school? And through high school I didn't keep much to myself. But I just don't like to talk about myself in that aspect. Its my business and my decision whether or not I care to share it. I hate assumptions that any male I utter 2 words to has to become a love interest. Its so annoying.
I remember jessica kept saying that me and albert should go out. WHAT THE FUCK. Nothing against him but...no. why would I ruin our friendship like that and besides that he went with 2 of my best friends. No sir, not me. Besides, I don't look at him like that anyway. Let me live my fucking life and don't make any of your stupid predictions with me about who's going to have kids first and blah blah blah. They make me sound like a creepin ass ho sometimes. Which I am far from. Shit, its not my fault that people like me. I don't have to dignify them though.. if I dignified every person who liked me, I would be a very unhappy person, and things would have happened that I would regret now. Nature takes its own course.
Don't get me wrong, I still care about them, but if anyone knows me even a little bit they know I'm not going to sugarcoat anything. I don't care if it makes you cry or whatever. Maybe I'm the fucked up one. But I just had to get that out of my head and let it be known how I am and the way it goes. Nothing I said can't be repeated in person. But this is the gentle, calm, less harsh version. I still love my friendss, they make a part of my character, and I would hate to lose them completely. But I think we all need to be in one place and talk this shit out. I want to speak my mind. And they can say their feelings to me too. I don't care. Its for the better. Instead of pretending shit is dandy and cool and just throw a best friend title on me, let me KNOW. Tell me that its not just a front. Because we are the most distant best friends I have ever seen in my 18 years of existence on this dear planet.
I don't pick favorites, but they make it so hard. And none of them have a blogspot, so they probably should never see this, but if they do, so be it. Maybe I'll give them the link to it. I don't want to seem like I'm asking for attention but damn, I'm just not going to be quiet anymore.
This is the longest it has ever taken me to write any blog...ever. as much as I love to prove a point, I don't like saying things quite like this. Perhaps I'll get over it. =]
Posted by LustfulRepertoire at 11:49 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
what's up.
The compostion of other people's blogs have made me remember that I, too, have a blog. lol
Posted by LustfulRepertoire at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Bringing Freshman Year to a Close
Friday, May 8, 2009
i'm a bit inspired..
Despite the fact that it's 6:47 am, and I really should be asleep like everyone else in the dorm (except my roommate, morgan...she's up with me). But we want to go get breakfast this morning, and we didn't got to bed until almost 6am so we decided to stay up. I was up studying for today's lab practical - wish me luck by the way- and you know, that has led me to write a blog....you know, among other things.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
yahhhhhh trick yahhhhhh...lol
greetings earthlings...
Posted by LustfulRepertoire at 3:31 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 30, 2009
of a different variety.
So I haven't written in a couple days. Not that I planned to write every day or something but I just thought that would be enough to say.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
events and such.
I've ha a pretty interesting week. It was Earth Week, and a lot of events went on around the campus. All kinds of fundraisers and charity events were going on. Me being a Bio major, its all I've been hearing about all week.
Posted by LustfulRepertoire at 12:23 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I don't have much to say today, besides the fact that I've been pretty busy. It has been a good week though, and for that I am grateful. I have a lab practical on Friday, and I'm not sure how well I'm going to do on it, but I'm pretty confident that I will pass. Statistics is kicking my ass, but I won't surrender to it, I've come too far to stop now. Besides, I have a B.
Posted by LustfulRepertoire at 3:22 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 18, 2009
a beautiful day.
Everythings gonna be allright, the last thing on my mind is tonight..." -Travis McCoy, Gym Class Heroes, A Beautiful Day
Posted by LustfulRepertoire at 4:46 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
I'm not really stressed. But I'm not really cool either. I'm just crazy irritated. I don't really know why I am so irritated. I just find it so hard to keep things together. Like, I'm usually a pretty neat and organized person. I don't know what the fuck is going on with my life, but my living quarters are a hot ass mess. My drawers in my desk don't even close because they're full of papers and other bullshit that I need to take care of. I have a lot of work to do and it bothers me because I never get the chance to do it. I really don't have much pending now, but there have been days where I just said, "'Fuck this." and went to sleep. Mind you, this was probably at 5:00 in the morning.
Posted by LustfulRepertoire at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Really? Another Reconsideration.
So you know how they say the average college student changes their major at least once? Well I don't really feel the desire to change my major, I just feel like I need some serious backup plans. I don't really know why I want to go to medical school. I'm not sure if its because I think its what I really want to do, or if that is what my mother is supporting. When I told her I wanted to go into aeronautics when I was in high school, she wasn't really happy about that. I think that I still want to do science, and possibly still do something medical, but I'm just not sure if the General Practitioner thing is for me. I like the idea of helping people feel better, but I feel like I need to be doing something 'cooler'.
Posted by LustfulRepertoire at 3:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
April 13, 2009..nothing special
So today was actually a pretty good day, despite the fact that I hate Mondays. I got three exams back, two of which i passed...the lab practical....ehhh. I'll do better the next time. I'm going to do like a lot of extra credit for Biology so I can have a sweet grade.
Posted by LustfulRepertoire at 1:06 PM 1 comments
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Medical School, Dentistry, DAT, MCAT
As many of you already know, I am a Biology Pre-Health Major, and I plan to apply to medical school at the end of my Undergraduate Career. I really want to stick with my goals, and keep my priorities in line, because it is extremely hard to get into medical school. You need at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA, and a 30- something or higher on the MCAT on average. Meaning that people with less might get in, and people with more will get in. The acceptance rates for medical schools are very,very low. Studies show that half of the people that apply to medical schools get rejected from every single one they apply to. Which is my fear. I'm actually a little frightened, because I haven't really thought of a back-up plan. If I don't do too well with that, I am going to take the DAT, and apply to a school of dentistry. If that doesn't work, I'll have to reevaluate my plan and maybe consider graduate school before applying to medical school again.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Just trying to keep a level head..
Posted by LustfulRepertoire at 12:18 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
music makes me happy.
So, I got my MIDI keyboard to work on my computer with FL Studio! I am very happy to say the least. So I've just been playing around with it so hopefully in the next 2 weeks or so, I can record a track and put it up on my music page. Many people don't know that I have one, I've actually had it since April 2006. Haha. But, I will kinda try to do it this time. See, When I made the music page, I didn't have the keyboard and stuff to do, and I kind of was still learning to use different audio editing programs. Then I got the equipment in 2007, and the software that came with it didn't work =[. So I kind of held off on it for a while, until I started playing with Virtual DJ and KeyStudio recently.
Posted by LustfulRepertoire at 11:49 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 30, 2009
Currently, i'm trying to get all my assignments done and turned in on time. I won't lie, it's starting to get to me. Sometimes i wonder how people are fucking around partying and sleeping all day and night, but still manage to get decent grades. i guess it depends on your major and how dedicated you are. I am a pretty dedicated person when it comes to my grades. I have a phobia of failing. I may not show it, but I am really terrified of failing. Not like I haven't failed things before, but it just really bothers me when my assignments aren't top notch.
Posted by LustfulRepertoire at 3:49 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Africa, the Beautiful....
I know people are tired of hearing this from me. I hate African stereotypes. I don't really get attacked by the stereotypes as often as others because...well, let's just say my family's a little well off. I still hear the stereotypes, though. I hate them. I laugh them off sometimes, or if its just a joke, I'm okay with that, but I really do hate it when people who know nothing about Africa say bad things about. The africans are talking about you Americans, too.
Religion, or Not.
As far as religion is concerned, many people don't know where I stand, or what I believe because I usually brush off the topic, and I never talk about it.
Posted by LustfulRepertoire at 10:02 AM 0 comments